Writer’s Secret Weapon
It all starts with an idea.
At some point all of us find ourselves staring at a page, needing some idea sparker to help us move forward. Maybe it’s an unusual pet’s name, or a career in a particular field, or the right type of weapon for a scene. Maybe you’re struggling with finding the right character goal or motivation, ideas for adding in the five senses, or your character’s physical description.
Along with useful tips for all fiction writers, you’ll find lists of quick ideas for story components to keep you going throughout the process—whether you’re just starting your outline, putting together the character biographies, in the middle of your novel, trying to meet a deadline, or stuck with writer’s block.
Writer’s Secret Weapon presents quick ideas to get you going in a number of areas. While we all know how to Google, it’s harder to come by fast and easy rules. This guide saves you hours of searching, especially when you don’t know where to start. Discover the kind of information new and veteran authors need at every stage of their career!
“Cheyenne and HD have put together a marvelous resource for writers. Replete not just with theory but with countless practical examples, it covers everything from outlining to character traits to the power of all five senses. I wish this had been around when I was starting out!”
– Barry Eisler, bestselling author of the John Rain and Livia Lone series
“Delish! The Writer’s Secret Weapon by Cheyenne McCray and H.D. Thomson arrives jam-packed with craft intel, info, and intriguing details for writers of every genre. Aside from the myriad tips and tricks, this chatty resource offers a prompt-a-palooza rich with resonant suggestions and turns of phrase to nudge any author out of those comfy ruts.”
‒‒ Damon Suede, best-selling author of Verbalize and Hot Head.
“The Writer’s Secret Weapon is a one-stop shop for brainstorming, story planning, or simply sparking creativity. Tons of plot, character, scene, and story arc writing prompts packed into one space! Sure to get you started on a novel or unstuck from the middle of one.”
‒‒ NY Times bestselling author Jennifer Ashley
“Writer’s Secret Weapon is a writer’s dream and a “must-have” for anyone who has ever struggled to find that perfect word, phrase, or image. A thesaurus on steroids!”
‒‒ Kerrie Droban, author of Vagos Mongs and Outlaws, adapted for History channel’s television series Gangland Undercover.
“This book is a fun tool to add to a writer’s toolbox. Within three minutes I had numerous ideas popping into my head! What a great way for writers to expand their universe!”
‒‒ Lexi Post, NY Times and USA Today bestselling author.
“I wish I’d had the Writer’s Secret Weapon Reference Guide years ago. Cheyenne McCray and H.D. Thomas have created the ultimate collection of ideas that will inspire writers to develop richer and more dynamic characters and scenes. This reference book is a resource all authors should have on their shelf.”
‒‒ Tracy Tripp, author of Awaken and Something Like a Dream.
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